Staff having fun on the WCVA stand at the Eisteddfod in Llanrwst 2019

WCVA at the National Eisteddfod Ceredigion

Published : 29/07/22 | Categories: News | Training & events |

We are extremely excited to be back at the National Eisteddfod sharing a stand with our partner, CAVO.

We are on the Maes all week to promote the amazing work of charities and voluntary organisations across Wales. We’re delighted a number of member organisations will be joining us to host various activities throughout the week too.

On the 4 August at 2pm we’ll be launching the Welsh Charity Awards 2022. So please join us for cake and bubbly (on CAVO and WCVA stand no. 622-623) to celebrate the fact that these fantastic awards are back, and find out how you can nominate your favourite charity or volunteer so that they get the recognition they deserve.

If you are on the Maes at all during the week, make sure you pop in to say hello- we’d love to see you!

‘It’s been a difficult few years for everyone…’

Two years later than originally planned due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s National Eisteddfod will be held just outside the village of Tregaron in Ceredigion.

The Eisteddfod is taking place from 30 July to 6 August 2022 and promises a varied programme of more than 1000 events and activities – including the traditional Cymanfa Ganu (an evening of congregational singing) and Gig y Pafiliwn with a range of contemporary Welsh language bands and singers.

Eisteddfod Chief Executive Betsan Moses has thanked the volunteers who have helped out with the event so far.

‘I’d like to thank all our local volunteers in Ceredigion, who’ve been working with us for such a long time to bring everything together.

‘It’s been a difficult few years for everyone, and the support and friendship shown by our committees has been such a boost and help to us as we’ve been planning and creating this year’s programmes.’

For the first time, visitors will be able to print Maes tickets from home or use their smartphone to enter the Maes. This is part of a new sustainability strategy, which sees the Eisteddfod pioneering sustainable event practices in Wales, achieving zero net emissions and zero waste by 2025.

Details of daily events around the Maes are available on the Eisteddfod website, along with more information on evening concerts details, and you can buy daily or weekly Maes tickets here.

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