The Investing in Volunteers team take a moment to share the story of Flintshire Volunteer Centre’s continued commitment to excellence in volunteering.
A few months after the launch of the new IiV standards, we’re grabbing the opportunity provided by Volunteers Week to say a big thank you to volunteers in Wales!
What better way to do that then, than by celebrating one of our existing IiV achiever’s recent successes.
Read on to find out more about Flintshire Volunteer Centre’s IiV experience.
The Investing in Volunteers Award is the UK quality standard for good practice in volunteer management. Every three years, assessors revisit achievers of the quality mark to seek assurance that these high standards are still being met.
Flintshire Volunteer Centre is celebrating retaining their status, as they continue to ensure high standards and good practice in volunteer management – making sure volunteers know that they are valued.
Claire Worrall, Volunteer Development Officer said:
‘As well as supporting local people to take advantage of volunteering opportunities and promoting local and national volunteering opportunities via the Volunteering Wales website, the centre offers information and advice on all aspects of volunteering to the many charitable, voluntary and community groups and organisations throughout Flintshire. The quality mark confirms that we are an authoritative, credible and reliable source of help.’
The IiV Journey
Quality mark holders must provide evidence to satisfy six key indicators of good practice that cover all aspects of volunteer involvement. The volunteer’s journey starts from the time a volunteer contacts the volunteer centre to offer their support, through to matching and linking them with an opportunity or organisation and all the way to the exit of the volunteer of the organisation, if and when it happens.
To achieve the Investing in Volunteers standard, the organisation must meet standards regarding:
- Vision for volunteering
- Planning for volunteers
- Volunteer inclusion
- Recruiting and welcoming volunteers
- Supporting volunteers
- Valuing and developing volunteer
A big part of the IiV journey is showing your appreciation to your volunteers, to celebrate the small and big wins and say a big thank you to them in every way possible. Valuing your volunteers is one of the most important roles your organisation can play, so make sure you celebrate Volunteers Week and express your gratitude in your own way.
‘Volunteers add so much value to our organisation’
Flintshire Volunteer Centre are proudly offering their Supported Volunteering Programme, which helps individuals aged 14 and over to prepare for their volunteering journey, increasing their communication skills & confidence levels and improving health and wellbeing.
Debbie Long, Senior Volunteer Development Officer said
‘Volunteers add so much value to our organisation. The impact of volunteers supporting the Volunteer Centre and our projects has strengthened our support to the wider community. Retaining this quality mark acknowledges our efforts to understand, deliver and support the goals and aspirations our volunteers wish to achieve through volunteering.’
Flintshire Volunteer Centre is part of Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC), which champions voluntary and community action. FLVC Chief Officer Ann Woods said
‘The centre embodies everything that the Investing in Volunteers Award promotes. I thank our Volunteer Centre colleagues for their hard work and every member of our wider staff team and Trustee Board for their commitment to recognising and appreciating volunteers.’
To volunteer with Flintshire Volunteer Centre, please email or call 01352 744000 to find out more.
If you are responsible for volunteers in a Flintshire-based organisation and would like advice, guidance, and to learn and share best practice at a Volunteer Organisers’ Network, the centre would love to hear from you.
The IiV standards have now been reviewed and refreshed and the new standards were launched on 24 March 2021 in a UK-wide event. If you are interested in learning more about IiV including the process, costs involved and the benefits of being an IiV achiever you can:
- download the standard here for free and use it as a checklist for your organisation
- try the IiV Essentials questionnaire here for free
- visit the WCVA website here
- visit the UK website here
- follow @VolWales and #IiVUK on Twitter for further updates and information on upcoming IiV events
- -follow @WCVACymru on Twitter
- Subscribe to WCVA’s free newsletter here.
For any questions, ideas, feedback – please get in touch with . We are looking forward to having you on board on this journey with us.
We will be happy to hear from you.
Social media accounts for Flintshire Local Voluntary Council:
@FLVCFlintshire – Flintshire Local Voluntary Council
@FLVCVolCentre – Volunteer Centre
@FlintshireVolunteerCentre – Volunteer Centre
@flvcpage – Flintshire Local Voluntary Council