Group of volunteers planting a tree in a field

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in volunteering

Published: 26/11/21 | Categories: Volunteering, Author: Korina Tsioni

Korina Tsioni talks about the new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion volunteering network and shares a case study from Conwy.

A few months ago, the volunteering team at WCVA started building a new network, called the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in volunteering network. At the moment we have 17 active members in the group, most of these people are a diverse group of external partners, and two of which are members of staff of WCVA.

The main purpose of the group is to;

  • Define and communicate the key terminology and the importance of intersectionality
  • Ensure the work that we do is inclusive and to encourage our volunteer involving partners to improve practice in this area
  • Understand the impact of digital inclusion and to be champions for improved digital access
  • Ensure key voices are heard within our spaces and platforms provided by others
  • Highlight and share resources and information that can support our

practice and that of stakeholders

  • Recognise and play our part in influencing the wider societal shifts required to create a more equal and inclusive society

The group is open for more members, so please do get in touch if you are interested by emailing


One of the things we have recently achieved is to review and publish these two information sheets which can be found on the Third Sector Support Wales platform.

There are some other relevant information sheets on the platform, like Involving young volunteers, Involving volunteers with additional support needs , Posting volunteering opportunities bilingually and many more.

Please feel free to use and share or promote these resources widely. Many of the information sheets are currently under review, so please do let us know if you would like to make any suggestions, amendments or contributions.

Some of our members have shared good case studies with us, which show the great work already being achieved in some organisations. We are sharing one example provided by our colleagues in CVSC below.


I really wanted a change in my career after 12/13 years in retail management and wanted to get more involved in training and develop this further. Volunteering and delivering customer services training with CVSC, not only gave me the confidence to make this change, but also gave me the belief that I could do it.

When I started volunteering with CVSC I also volunteered with a number of organisations, one of which was Crest. After seeing what I was capable of, Crest offered me a position within the organisation. Now I am a PTTLS accredited trainer working full time for Crest and also in charge of the retail division. This all started through volunteering with CVSC.

By making this step in my career path, my work life balance is a million times better than ever before. I get to see my wife more than ever and I have never been happier in my career.

The volunteering team gave me the opportunity to develop my skills and gave me the confidence and support to pursue a new career path. With the help of the team at CVSC they put me in contact with organisations who I could volunteer with – one of which has now employed me at a senior level.

For me it was ‘Dream, Believe Achieve’.

I dared to dream about a change in career. I had CVSC behind me who had the belief in me. I am now in a new career. Just look what I achieved!


Please do share with us any positive case studies that you would like us to include in the next EDI and volunteering update we will be publishing.