The Knowledge Hub gives voluntary organisations in Wales easy access to a range of free online resources, networking and learning. Here’s what’s new since the platform launched.
If you work or volunteer for a charity, community group or voluntary organisation of any kind in Wales then the Knowledge Hub is here to help you stay informed, improve your knowledge and connect with others.
Registering for free on the Knowledge Hub gives you the opportunity to upskill yourself, learn and access high quality information on key areas such as running your organisation, volunteering, funding and influencing.
The platform has undergone several changes over the past year as part of work with Third Sector Support Wales partners to improve our online offer.
So, what can new and returning Knowledge Hub users expect?
The Knowledge Hub contains a wide range of E-learning courses, guidance and peer-to-peer discussions, designed specifically for voluntary organisations in Wales. But how do you find the information that’s relevant to you?
As well as new landing pages to help you browse, the Knowledge Hub now allows you to select areas of interest that suit your needs (using categories such as communications, HR, resilience, or safeguarding). Each time you visit the site you’ll be shown a unique view, with content presented by what’s most important to you.
New users can set this up during registration, and returning users simply need to log in and edit their profile. The site now requires you to create an account to access all its content, but registration is quick, easy and completely free, with no charges at any stage.
The Your Network area of the Knowledge Hub is where voluntary organisations in Wales come together to connect with others, share good practice and support each other.
The section contains five networks built around the main topic areas of the site, but you can post items on any topic:
- Volunteering
- Good governance
- Safeguarding
- Engagement and influencing
- Sustainable funding
Each offers a collaborative space to connect with others, share good practice, ask questions, talk about successes and challenges, and support one another.
Users can start new conversations or discussions within each network or respond to topics that have been posted by peers in the voluntary sector.
The Knowledge Hub has expanded its selection of distance learning courses and resources.
New online training courses include:
- Creating a budget from scratch
- Introduction to voluntary sector legal structures and charitable status
And, coming soon:
- Planning & writing a successful funding bid
- Developing a fundraising strategy
E-learning courses can be completed on the Knowledge Hub at your own speed, with progress saved as you go along so you can return to it later. You will also receive a certificate on completion of a course.
Newly added resources to the Hub include:
- Marketing and communications planning, and branding information sheets
- Guidance on What Volunteer Centres do in Wales
There are also new resources on campaigning and influencing such as:
- Planning a campaign
- Devolution and powers
- How to submit evidence and give oral evidence
- Launching a petition
- Getting your message heard
These courses and resources are in addition to the large collection already available on the Knowledge Hub. All our content is put together by experts in their fields who are committed to the values of the voluntary sector in Wales.
To see how the Knowledge Hub could help you please visit and register for free.
Third Sector Support Wales is a network of support organisations for the whole of the voluntary sector in Wales. It consists of the 19 local and regional support bodies across Wales, the County Voluntary Councils (CVCs) and the national support body, WCVA.