As we prepare for UKSPF, we’re asking for your help to get the message out about the vital work EU funds have helped you deliver.
Following the publication of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund prospectus in April, local authorities have been busy shaping their investment plans. The majority of authorities are developing their own local plans, with the lead local authority in each region combining these to create one regional plan. Some delivery will happen locally and, where there’s some commonality of need, some activity will be delivered regionally. The first plans submitted to UK Government will be high level. They will most probably only contain the selected interventions, some high level outcomes and figures, with a few lines about the expected type of activity. A more detailed plan, from each region, will follow later in the year.
Local authorities and the regions are under incredible pressure to get these initial plans drawn up, approved and submitted. Some are struggling to engage with other sectors due to timescales. The deadline for these plans to reach UK Government is 1 August.
WCVA has been engaging with the regions, some local authorities and other stakeholders, with the aim of ensuring the voluntary sector is consulted and written into these plans. We’ve heard from some local authorities that they want to know about projects, like those funded by Active Inclusion, that are ending and who will be left without support in their area.
We’ve drafted an email that you can use as a template to send to your local authority and other invested regional contacts. This is a good opportunity for you to highlight the invaluable work you’re doing and what the loss of your project means for local people.
Example email
Our project [name] is providing intensive support to people in [authority] with multiple and complex needs, to help them move towards and into sustainable employment and achieve healthier and more independent lives. Unlike traditional, mainstream provision, we tailor our activity to make sure it meets people’s specific needs and challenges. For example……..
Our project is currently funded by the Active Inclusion Fund, managed and administered by WCVA. It’s due to finish in [month]. With no funding stream ready to replace it, we may have to withdraw this service from the local area. This will leave the vulnerable people we support without access to suitable provision.
The people we support and the activity we deliver, closely aligns with the interventions listed in the UKSPF People and Skills priority. We understand timescales are challenging and you may not be in a position to discuss project proposals at this stage, but once the initial investment plans are submitted, we would value a conversation to discuss how, together, we can continue to support vulnerable local people.