two women chatting about consultation tools

Trialling new engagement tools to gather evidence

Published : 30/04/20 | Categories: Influencing |

As inquiries into the impact of Covid-19 have begun to emerge, we’re piloting a couple of new online engagement tools to help gather your thoughts and feedback.

In the last few days, the Welsh Affairs Committee has launched a consultation into the impact of Covid-19 on the Welsh economy, while the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee has published one on the impact of the outbreak on health and social services. We’ll be responding to both these consultations, and as ever we’re keen to incorporate as many voluntary sector voices into our responses as possible. To this end, we’re using this opportunity to trial new digital ways to gather your feedback.

We’re trying out Your Priorities, a tool specifically designed to gather evidence for more in-depth consultations and research, to garner your thoughts on the Welsh Affairs Committee consultation. This consultation has a number of high-level questions, so you’ll find sections set out for each one – just respond to the ones that interest you most.

And for the consultation on health and social services, we’re trialling Padlet – a digital pinboard for gathering evidence simply. This consultation has no specific questions – it just asks for your thoughts and experiences. We’re hoping Padlet will be a good way to pick up feedback from the sector for this sort of consultation.

You can leave responses at Your Priorities and Padlet anonymously or not – it’s up to you.

Of course, you can get your evidence to us the normal way too – just email any points you’d like to be considered for inclusion in WCVA’s response to our Policy Officer, David Cook, on by 15 May 2020.

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