We provide bespoke training which offers a flexible and cost-effective way to meet your organisation’s and individual learning needs. Our fees include the support, set up and delivery of the course. Training can be delivered as a half day, full day or several days.

Our courses are fun, participative and take place in a relaxed learning environment, they can provide you and your organisation with the skills needed to provide an excellent service. We recognise that people learn in different ways; in our training programme you will find a variety of short courses, workshops, accredited learning and webinars, which can be delivered online or in person. All of our training is led by experts in their field who are committed to the values of the voluntary sector in Wales.

We work with you to plan and customise the course. We recommend filling the course to bring down the cost per head. What about inviting other organisations to attend – building partnership relationships and making it cost effective for everyone?

Please complete our bespoke training request form and a member of our team will be in touch. For any other enquiries please email training@wcva.cymru or telephone 0300 111 0124.

All our courses


Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

An introduction to good governance

18 MARCH 2025
This 3-hour workshop is for people who want to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence in charity governance.  

Llun: cyfarfod llywodraethu

Bespoke only , Training skills

Training skills

11, 12 MARCH & 3 APRIL 2025
To provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to plan, prepare and deliver training sessions. 

Llun: Taflunydd gyda phobl yn ysgrifennu ar y bwrdd gwyn yn y cefndir


Tools to improve digital teamwork

18 & 19 MARCH 2025
This session explores how you can use digital tools to support teamwork in your organisation.

Cydweithwyr yn eistedd o amgylch bwrdd


Work more efficiently with digital tools

4 & 5 MARCH 2025
This session explores a range of digital tools designed to streamline work processes and help you work more efficiently.

Cyfarfod busnes


Getting your point across: An introduction to presenting data effectively

20 MARCH 2025
To introduce you to some top tips, tools and resources to help you present data effectively – in tables, charts, maps and text.

Presenting data


An introduction to designing and running surveys

20 FEBRUARY 2025
To introduce you to some top tips, tools and resources to help you design and run surveys.

Dylunio arolygon

Bespoke only , Funding

Individual giving

11 & 18 FEBRUARY 2025
To equip learners with the skills and knowledge to develop fundraising from individuals, by understanding the different individual giving practises and understanding what motivates people to give. 

TSSW logo

Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

Strengthening governance and leadership for trustees

11 FEBRUARY 2025
This online course will take you through a range of leadership and governance principles, based on the Charity Governance Code.

Young people sit around a table with their laptops, smiling and talking

Bespoke only , Leadership & management

Project management (English)

11, 13 & 18 FEBRUARY 2025
This course will provide you with practical project management skills and knowledge so you can plan and deliver projects that successfully meet your project outcomes.

Two people with graphs and charts in front of them on laptop and phone

Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

Charity financial management – Financial safeguards

5 & 12 FEBRUARY 2025
This course provides an overview of the responsibilities held by managers or trustees with specific involvement in voluntary sector financial administration and how to protect your organisation from financial loss or misuse.

Image: online training

Bespoke only , Leadership & management

NEW: Managing yourself and others – eight module online programme

Unlock the essentials of self-management and leadership with this comprehensive online training. This eight-module programme is designed to help you effectively motivate, manage, and support others to reach your organisation’s goals.

dau gydweithiwr yn siarad

Governance & safeguarding

Bilingualism at work

New course dates coming soon
This FREE session, run by the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Hybu Team, will enable you to develop your organisation’s use of the Welsh language.

Image: colleagues talking

Bespoke only , Leadership & management

Coaching approaches to line management

4 & 26 MARCH 2025
Coaching approaches to effective line management.

Colleagues in a meeting

Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

Beyond the basics – Strengthening your charity’s governance

28 JANUARY 2025
This 3-hour workshop is for people who want to ‘level up’ their charity’s governance and set high standards for their board or management committee.

Llun: Cyfarfod â chydweithwyr

Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

An introduction to data protection for the voluntary sector

New course dates coming soon
This half day course will provide you with key information about UK Data Protection legislation including the EU & UK GDPR, providing you with an awareness of data protection and its impact on your role.

Image: meeting


Using AI to support content creation

16 OCTOBER 2024

Third sector digital support

Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

Charity financial management – Managing costs & budgets

New course dates coming soon
This training course will enable you to cost the services provided by your organisation, and to produce and monitor budgets and cash flows.

Charity financial management – Managing costs & budgets

Bespoke only , Communications

Designing and delivering engaging presentations

New course dates coming soon
To develop skills in creating and delivering presentations that will make a difference.

Dyn yn sefyll o flaen cynulleidfa yn cyflwyno

Bespoke only , Uncategorised

Become a Macmillan Information Champion

In partnership with Macmillan Cancer Care, we have designed this course to help you signpost people efficiently and effectively to cancer services which are available in their community.

Pobl yn siarad mewn grŵp

Governance & safeguarding

Safeguarding training for Group B practitioners

New course dates coming soon
Safeguarding blended learning for Group B practitioners working in any setting or with any age group (generic).
All learners must have completed the Group A module within 3 years of joining this training.

Lady talking to colleagues.

Public engagement

Effective facilitation skills

New course dates coming soon
Gain knowledge, skills and confidence to prepare and facilitate participative sessions

Person teaching group at table with flipchart and post its

Bespoke only , Leadership & management

Support, supervision and appraisal

New course dates coming soon
This online course will give you the opportunity to develop your management skills and confidence in managing individuals and the staff team.   

Image: support meeting

Bespoke only , Funding

Planning and writing successful funding bids

New course dates coming soon
The course will help you put together a stronger case for funding.

Llun: trafodaeth


Cyber security awareness training

When it comes to protecting your organisation from cyber-crime, your people can be your biggest asset, and with cyber security awareness training they can become highly effective barriers to cyber-crime.

Woman sits at desk in front of computer

Bespoke only , Funding

Introduction to developing a fundraising strategy

New course dates coming soon
To give participants the confidence to develop a fundraising strategy for their organisation.

colleagues talking

Public engagement

Co-production essentials

New course dates coming soon
An introduction to the what, when and why of co-production.

Image: Team work

Bespoke only , Leadership & management

Confident recruitment and selection

New course dates coming soon
Getting staff recruitment right by being efficient and effective is essential to organisations.


Bespoke only , Public engagement

Public engagement: theory and practice

New course dates coming soon
Our accredited course provides you with a greater awareness and understanding of the theory and practice of engagement.

Group of people

Bespoke only , Communications , Public engagement

Writing for the web and driving traffic to your website

New course dates coming soon
Create engaging, media-rich content to deliver the best results for your organisation.

Image: website

Bespoke only , Communications

Social media for the voluntary sector

New course dates coming soon
Explore how your charity or community group can use social media more effectively to influence and engage with your audience.

A man with headphones on at a desktop computer next to a window

Governance & safeguarding

Webinar: Charity governance update

New course dates coming soon
To provide a summary of the latest updates and changes in charity law and governance and how they could affect your organisation.

Two women gather round a laptop conversing with others at an online event

Communications , Public engagement

Welshifying your social media

New course dates coming soon
Learn how to create catchy and effective content bilingually on social media.

A woman on a sofa checks her social media analytics using a laptop and smart phone

Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

An introduction to data protection for the voluntary sector (Welsh)

New course dates coming soon
This half day course will provide you with key information about UK Data Protection legislation including the EU & UK GDPR, providing you with an awareness of data protection and its impact on your role.

A man and two women disscussing a data protection issue, the man looks concerned

Bespoke only , Communications

Marketing your services

New course dates coming soon
Learn how to get your message across to the right people in the most effective way.

A woman delivers a presentation, marketing her organisation's services to a man in an office


Fundraising for small charities

The aim of this course is to provide charities with the knowledge and skills required to be able to implement new income streams so as to generate additional unrestricted funding.

Two women sit around a laptop discussing a fundraising project

Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

Risk management

New course dates coming soon
The aim of the course is to enhance people’s ability to identify, assess and manage organisational risk.

Diverse group of people share their experiences on risk management sat around a round table

Bespoke only , Governance & safeguarding

Introduction to safeguarding in the voluntary sector

New course dates coming soon
Safeguarding good practice for staff, volunteers and trustees.

People in a business meeting

Governance & safeguarding

Role of the safeguarding officer

New course dates coming soon
To provide in-depth training to safeguarding officers, safeguarding leads or designated safeguarding person within the organisation.

People discuss at a table

Bespoke only , Leadership & management

Project management (Welsh)

New course dates coming soon
This course will provide you with practical project management skills and knowledge so you can plan and deliver projects that successfully meet your project outcomes.

Two people with graphs and charts in front of them on laptop and phone

Bespoke only , Impact & evaluation

Managing your time effectively

New course dates coming soon
To help participants to manage their time more effectively.

Arglwyddes yn edrych ar oriawr

Bespoke only , Impact & evaluation

A ‘Theory of Change’ approach to evaluation

New course dates coming soon
To help you better understand the Theory of Change approach to evaluation and to apply the Theory of Change approach to your own purposes.

People around table with tablets phones and laptops at meeting

Bespoke only , Public engagement

Planning your engagement strategy

New course dates coming soon
Make sure you’re engaging as effectively as possible – learn how to develop a strategy for engagement.

Four people sit around table in office talking

Bespoke only , Impact & evaluation

Evaluating and monitoring outcomes

New course dates coming soon
To enable you to gain a greater understanding of evaluating and monitoring outcomes and help you better evaluate your work.

People around chalkboard drawing arrows leading across in different directions

Governance & safeguarding

Safeguarding for trustees and board members

New course dates coming soon
To improve knowledge and skills in the area of safeguarding and develop strategic thinking around safeguarding for your organisation.

Llun: Diogelu

Bespoke only , Communications

Dealing with difficult conversations

New course dates coming soon
To equip you with the skills and techniques needed to deal with difficult conversations.

Dealing with difficult conversations

Bespoke only , Leadership & management

Voluntary sector leadership for future generations

New course dates coming soon
Build upon your existing skills to become a more innovative and resilient leader.

Smartly dressed people in white meeting room