WCVA is pleased to be running this new scheme with Welsh Government and Credit Unions of Wales.
If Covid-19 has caused you to be in rent arrears the Tenancy Saver Loan Scheme may be able to help you.
The loan scheme is designed to prevent homelessness in Wales. If you are a tenant renting from the private rental sector, and Covid-19 has left you struggling to pay your rent, you could be eligible to apply for a low interest loan from a Credit Union – with up to five years to pay it back.
The loan will be paid directly to your landlord or agent which will remove the threat of eviction.
In order to be eligible to apply you must meet the following criteria:
- You are a tenant in the private rental sector in Wales
- You are in rent arrears from 1 March 2020 because of the Coronavirus pandemic
- You are not in receipt of housing benefit or housing cost payments through Universal Credit
- You were not in significant rent arrears, eg 8 weeks or more of rent arrears, before 1 March 2020
- You have not applied and received a loan through another loan provider through Tenancy Saver Loan for the rent arrears in question
- Your landlord and or agent is registered with Rent Smart Wales
If you are not eligible for a Tenancy Saver Loan, you can still obtain free, confidential support through the Private Rented Sector Helpline at Citizens Advice Cymru on 0300 330 2177 where you can discuss what other options may be available to you.
Loans will be charged at 1% APR (Annual Percentage Rate) and for a loan term of up to five years (loan term to be based on applicant’s affordability).
To apply and for more information please visit creditunionsofwales.co.uk/tsl.