Rajma Begum

Profile picture of Rajma Begum, National (BME) Diversity Officer at WCVA

National Diversity Manager

Rajma’s passion and dedication for working in sport equality stems from negative personal experiences and barriers to sport from a young age. Now working closely with other partners across the spectrum of equality and diversity, Rajma’s mission is to ensure all sports and physical activities are accessible and welcoming for all sections of the welsh community. Visit our BME Sport Cymru project page to read more about this.

Occasionally seen as a positive disruptorbut more often valued as an expert in supporting inclusion in sport, Rajma is also an equality and inclusion trainer and consultant.

Rajma has a deep passion for women’s rights, social justice and equality and diversity and has been the Chair of Women Connect First for the past three years. In September 2019 Rajma was appointed by Welsh Government to serve on the Board of Sport Wales for a three-year term.

Rajma loves all sports and actively participates in swimming and walking and completed the 2018 Cardiff Half Marathon. She also enjoys cooking and often organises office curries as a means of bringing people together (much to the delight of her WCVA colleagues!)

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