Lowri Jones

Lowri Jones, Trustee at WCVA (Wales Council for Voluntary Action)


Since 2000, Lowri has worked as the Chief Officer for Menter Iaith Sir Caerffili, a voluntary organisation which increases the opportunities to use the Welsh language on a community level. Originally from the Rhymney Valley in Caerphilly County Borough, Lowri graduated from Aberystwyth University with a BA and from Cardiff University with an MA. Between 2018-2021, she was Chair of Mentrau Iaith Cymru, the network of Mentrau Iaith across Wales, supporting the development of national, regional and local projects which increase the use the Welsh language. Lowri has recently become a member of the Third Sector Partnership Council, representing the network of voluntary organisations across Wales who support the use of the Welsh language. Lowri also chairs the Voluntary Sector Representatives Forum in Caerphilly County Borough and has recently been appointed as a member of the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board for Wales.

Lowri is passionate about community development and enjoys following the progress of voluntary organisations as they respond to local needs by providing services and recognising gaps in services. As a fluent Welsh speaker who was born and brought up in an area with comparatively little Welsh spoken, Lowri is committed to increasing the opportunities to use the Welsh language locally. Due to her work with Menter Caerffili and her voluntary work Lowri enjoys seeing the considerable contribution the voluntary sector can make to the process of regenerating disadvantaged communities and tackling poverty. As a mother of four boys, Lowri is involved in many local sporting groups and other voluntary organisations.

Lowri is Vice Chair of WCVA’s People and Remuneration Committee.

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