Kat Luckock

Headshot of Kat Luckock, WCVA Trustee


Kat is a social entrepreneur and ICF (International Coaching Federation) qualified coach, mentor and learning facilitator, having spent most of her career working in and with the voluntary and education sectors. Kat has a particular passion for creating inclusive, just and sustainable communities leading and supporting social impact organisations in the areas of social mobility, employability, community cohesion, women’s empowerment, EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) and sustainable development.

Over the past six years in her own business she has supported hundreds of social enterprises and their founders to recognise the value of the work they do, and support them with their strategy, impact measurement and business development as a coach, mentor and trainer.

She has held a number of other board roles including at Careers Wales and Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales (FTWW).

As a mum of two girls Kat loves spending time outdoors, cooking (aka eating) and learning to re-wild her garden.

Kat is Vice Chair of WCVA’s Community Investment Panel and their Community Asset Loan Fund Panel.

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