The voluntary sector met with the Minister for Education to discuss the new curriculum.
At the meeting, representatives from a range of voluntary organisations met with the Education Minister to discuss the new Curriculum for Wales, published a week before the meeting.
The network began by saying that they believed the new curriculum was a positive step forward and appreciated the collaborative approach to developing it. The Minister outlined the legislation and guidance that would be produced to support the new curriculum.
The network then highlighted issues that they felt would need addressing to maximise the impact of the curriculum. These included ensuring any reform to qualifications matched the aims of the new curriculum, support for pupils with additional learning needs, quality control within curriculum design, and engaging businesses in the new curriculum.
The network also asked two questions to the Minister. The first asked how the Minister intends to ensure that programmes to improve standards in the early years are all working together, given that responsibility is split over a range of Welsh Government departments and public bodies. The Minister outlined how here department works with the Health and Social Care department, and some of her upcoming work on early education.
The second questions asked how the Minister intends to reform lifelong learning and develop her proposed ‘right to lifelong learning.’ She responded by outlining some initiatives to support adult learning, as well as discussing new legislation on post-16 education.
Susie Ventris-Field of the Wales Centre for International Affairs said: ‘As a representative of the international sector, it’s fantastic to hear the Minister’s determination to ensure the curriculum is implemented as intended, and a recognition of the need to support schools and other educators to ensure its success.’
The meeting took place as part of the Third Sector Scheme, under which Ministers meet with the voluntary sector biannually.