Good and appropriate safeguarding provides the public with reassurance about your organisation and contributes to the positive reputation of the sector in general.
On this page you’ll find information about your safeguarding responsibilities and where to go to get support.
- Organisations that work with at risk groups (e.g. children and adults at risk) have legal responsibilities in relation to safeguarding
- The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 introduced a strengthened, robust and effective partnership approach to safeguarding in which each professional and organisation must do everything they can to ensure that children and adults at risk are protected from abuse
- The Charity Commission regards safeguarding as a key governance priority for all charities, not just those that work with groups traditionally considered ‘vulnerable’
Everyone has a responsibility for safeguarding – it is everybody’s business!
- Free enquiry service offering one-to-one, confidential advice and information from our Safeguarding Team
- Free information, guidance and resources on safeguarding
- Presentations, information sessions and surgeries for your organisation or members
- A range of learning opportunities, including online modules, webinars and online training courses (we can consider face-to-face training in some circumstances)
- A Safeguarding Community of Practice to bring voluntary sector safeguarding practitioners together
If you have any questions about safeguarding, please get in touch with our Safeguarding Team by emailing or contact us on 0300 111 0124. Email or call us to discuss your safeguarding learning needs.
Our safeguarding courses are designed especially for voluntary sector organisations in Wales. Our training is led by the Safeguarding Team at WCVA who have an abundance of knowledge and experience behind them.
We offer a range of different courses to suit your needs, including:
- Safeguarding training for group B practitioners
- Safeguarding training for group C practitioners
- Safeguarding for trustees and board members
In line with the Charity Commission, WCVA recommends that DBS checks should be taken up wherever the position or volunteer role meets eligibility criteria. Further information and guidance can be found on the Disclosure & Barring Service website and on the Knowledge Hub under Good Governance.
DBS guidance is available from DBS online and a DBS Regional Outreach Service can be accessed by organisations in Wales:
A peer network for voluntary sector safeguarding practitioners and leads.
The Safeguarding Community of Practice aims to promote and develop good practice in safeguarding across the voluntary sector in Wales. The network is a community of practitioners facilitated by WCVA and representatives from the County Voluntary Councils (CVCs).
The WCVA Safeguarding Community of Practice will provide a forum for people who have safeguarding responsibilities in charities and voluntary organisations to come together, share good practice, and discuss topical issues.
Membership of the Community of Practice offers
- Online events for safeguarding officers and leads with expert speakers on safeguarding topics
- A regular e-bulletin with the latest news about safeguarding
- Access to an online discussion forum facilitated by WCVA
Membership is open to people who have official safeguarding responsibilities within their organisations. This may include:
- Safeguarding Officers or designated leads
- Safeguarding practitioners
- Trustees with responsibility for safeguarding
How to Join
Please contact to discuss membership.
- Wales Safeguarding Procedures (app)
- Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 Hub
- National Independent Safeguarding Board
- Social Care Wales
- Disclosure & Barring Service
- Charity Commission Guidance
0300 111 0124