Running your voluntary organisation

Running a voluntary organisation is very rewarding but it can be complex and involves a wide range of tasks. You’ll need to think about everything from writing business plans and financial sustainability, creating policies and procedures, equality and diversity, and human resources, through to health and safety, setting up payroll and getting the right insurance! 

There is a lot to do, but voluntary organisations that are well-managed are more likely to thrive, attract skilled staff and volunteers and maintain a good reputation with stakeholders and funders, so it’s important to run your organisation as effectively as possible. 

This section contains resources to help you develop and manage all your organisation’s infrastructure and ‘assets’, including your people, money, property, and IT! 

The section contains information on developing policies and procedures in relation to: 

  • Employing and managing people 
  • Managing money and setting up financial systems  
  • Fraud and cybersecurity 
  • Managing assets, land and buildings 

We also have separate pages for these specific topics: volunteering, safeguarding and data protection.

How WCVA can help you manage your organisation: 

  • Free information, guidance and resources, such as information sheets and model policies 
  • A wide range of training and learning opportunities 
  • Our annual event, gofod3, offers a wide range of workshops on practical topics as well the opportunity to meet numerous advice providers in the exhibition space
  • Payroll Bureau is WCVA’s dedicated payroll service exclusively for charities and not for profit groups across Wales. It provides a professional, reliable, timely and friendly payroll service to new and existing employers

Useful links 

ACAS (employment) 

Mind (workplace well-being)

Ethical Property Foundation (assets)


Category | Policies, procedures & practical |

Managing money – Payroll

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