A new service from The Disclosure and Barring Service will focus on working collaboratively with safeguarding organisations, and organisations that are recruiting.
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) has recently launched a new Regional Outreach service. This service focuses on working collaboratively with safeguarding organisations, and organisations that are recruiting.
The aim is to work more closely with organisations to build and develop relationships, and to act as a single point of contact for all DBS-related enquiries within their region.
The Outreach Officers will be working with organisations and networks within their region in several ways, including:
- answering DBS-related queries and providing advice via phone/email
- attending meetings, training and conferences, or visiting your organisation to have a face-to-face discussion (in line with pandemic restrictions)
- developing and delivering presentations, workshops, webinars or discussions to provide an overview of DBS
- collating feedback, suggestions or comments and feeding this back into DBS
- helping organisations/networks to understand what level of DBS check can be applied for, and what information these checks will provide
- informing organisations and employers of their duty or power to refer
The Regional Outreach Officer for Wales is Carol Eland who can be contacted by email CarolAnn.Eland@dbs.gov.uk.
We know that safeguarding and DBS checks are important issues for voluntary organisations and welcome the addition of this service which will enable more direct contact with the DBS.
The service may be of particular interest to umbrella and membership bodies that wish to provide DBS related information to their members.
WCVA is looking forward to working with the DBS Regional Outreach team as part of our Safeguarding Service to ensure the organisations we support can access accurate information about DBS checks and safer recruitment. Watch this space for events soon!
Please visit our Safeguarding and protecting people page for information and resources on keeping people safe and your responsibilities.
If you have any questions about safeguarding, you can get in touch with our Safeguarding Officer who will happy to help Safeguarding@wcva.cymru