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Kickstart Scheme to fund jobs for young people in Wales

Published : 16/09/20 | Categories: Funding |

WCVA will be supporting voluntary organisations that may not otherwise be large enough to qualify to access the UK Government Kickstart Scheme, which provides fully subsidised jobs for young people across the UK.


After much feedback DWP have just confirmed that employer wage payments will be made monthly. Employers will receive payment for month one at week six of the placement, and at monthly intervals after this, following confirmation from HMRC that the salary has been paid to the employee.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched the Kickstart Scheme to provide funding to employers to create new six-month job placements for young people aged 16-24.

The scheme is only open to large organisations creating 30 jobs or more, however WCVA will be applying to the scheme on behalf of Welsh voluntary organisations that want to create jobs on a smaller scale.

Voluntary organisations in Wales can now apply through WCVA if they are able to employ new staff members aged between 16-24 who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. The job placements must be six months in length and at least 25 hours per week.

For each role created the funding will cover:

  • 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week
  • the associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions

There will also be extra funding to support young people to build their experience and help them move into sustained employment after they have completed their Kickstart Scheme funded job.


To submit a request for funding you will need to register with WCVA’s Multipurpose Application Portal (MAP). If you have previously registered with MAP, you can log in by entering your username and password on the home screen.

Organisations can register on MAP by visiting the website map.wcva.cymru. If you need help registering please follow this video.

Once registered you can complete the Kickstart Scheme application form which is available through MAP.


The DWP expects that the first placements are likely to be available from November for larger organisations that are applying directly.

For those applying through WCVA the process will be:

  1. Groups apply to the scheme through WCVA’s MAP
  2. WCVA checks eligibility of the applications
  3. Once WCVA has a batch of at least 30 eligible job roles they will be submitted to DWP on behalf of applicants
  4. DWP undertakes its own checks and will notify WCVA as to the approvals
  5. If successful WCVA will distribute the funding to applicants to create their jobs

Applications through WCVA are only available to voluntary organisations (eg charities, Community Interest Companies, community groups, social enterprises or other not-for-profit groups) operating in Wales.

For more information please contact kickstart@wcva.cymru.

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