Introducing Newid: digital for the third sector

Introducing Newid: digital for the third sector

Published : 08/11/21 | Categories: News |

We are pleased to announce an upcoming programme of digital skills development and support for the voluntary sector in Wales, Newid: digital for the third sector.

Newid: digital for the third sector is a new project coordinated by WCVA, Wales Co-operative Centre and ProMo-Cymru, and developed in consultation with the voluntary sector to ensure maximum impact.

Funded by Welsh Government, and supported by The Centre for Digital Public Services, this first phase of Newid is a pilot project running until Summer 2022.


In early 2021 ProMo-Cymru and Dotiau were commissioned by WCVA and Wales Co-operative Centre (WCC) to research and define what support is needed by the Welsh voluntary organisations with regard to digital.

The report was funded by the Welsh Government and considered how organisations can be supported to respond to the acceleration of digital working and delivery of services that have taken place because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key findings from the report were shared at a launch event on 1 November 2021.


The discovery report and its key findings will inform the development of Newid: digital for the third sector. The drastic shift to digital working during the pandemic accelerated the need for an improved and coordinated programme of digital skills support for the voluntary sector in Wales.

It highlighted the need for digital support in the sector but also demonstrated the potential and benefits of digital transformation.

Newid: digital for the third sector, will build on the momentum of the progress made during the pandemic, and ensure the voluntary sector is supported in delivering and developing its services in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

Working together we aim to:

  • Provide direct support for developing digital skills for needs already identified in the sector, such as cyber security and resilience.
  • Work with the voluntary sector, CDPS and industry experts to define what good digital services look like and provide the support needed to achieve it. This work will be based on the already established Welsh Digital Service Standard.
  • Provide a legacy of digital skills support that can be utilised in the future and will continue to spread throughout the sector.
  • Start the work of embedding a digital culture of openness, sharing and re-use of digital approaches across Wales.
  • Work together to improve the standard of digital support available for the voluntary sector in Wales.


We will be sharing more information as the programme quickly develops, if you have any questions in the meantime or would like to find out more you can contact our Digital and Innovation Officer, Hannah Bacon at

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