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‘Inspiring community led action on the environment…’

Published : 31/10/22 | Categories: Funding | News |

The Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme 2021/22 report highlights the incredible achievements of community groups across Wales who have been working to improve the environment in their communities.

This is the fourth year of operation for the Wales-wide Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme (LDTCS) and this year we saw 33 local projects awarded funding. The local projects aim to take action on the environment in areas within five miles of a landfill site or significant waste transfer station.

The report highlights how the scheme is delivering against key Welsh Government priorities including the First Minister’s Manifesto, the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and Circular Economy Strategy.


Lindsay Cordery-Bruce, Chairperson of the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities

Scheme has said:

‘This year has seen some inspiring community led action on the environment by LDTCS funded projects. After the disruption caused by national lockdowns and the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been impressed by the tenacity and ingenuity shown by groups to deliver projects which rise to the challenges being faced in communities.’

‘The value of volunteer led action is a running theme in this report, demonstrating the importance of engaging all members of communities in work alongside our natural environment.’

‘I am proud to see so much activity enabled throughout Wales and the ongoing fantastic benefits to Wales achieved by the scheme.’


The report includes case studies from previous successful projects who have delivered incredible projects in their communities. Such as:

  • Repair Café Wales, demonstrating how the repair café movement has grown from a small grant to re-use and repair hubs being included in the new programme for government.
  • Overton Growers who have worked with people from the community surrounding Overton-on-Dee to engage in wildlife volunteering creating a wildflower meadow, clearing invasive species, and providing habitat boxes for wildlife.
  • Pembrokeshire FRAME who have developed an annual calendar of reuse events and opened the FRAME Furniture Surgery.
  • Flintshire County Council who delivered the Bagillt habitat project, which worked to improve and safeguard the habitat of Wales’ rarest amphibian, the natterjack toad.
  • Foothold Cymru who delivered the Wise up to Waste project raising awareness of how to reduce food waste and supporting people to change behaviours.
  • Climate Action Caerffili Gweithredu Hinsawdd who have created a Tiny Forest, which will take up 30 times more carbon, reduce risk of flooding, reduce both noise and air pollution, and increase local biodiversity.
  • South Riverside Community Development Centre, who delivered an innovative, community focused project in the riverside area of Cardiff to help local community members enhance biodiversity in the area.
  • Radiate Arts CIC created the Clywedog creative hub to offer a safe and inclusive place for personal and group wellbeing, generating ways to help others to achieve a positive mental outlook.

Read the full report here.


If you feel inspired to think about ways to improve the environment in your area the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme (LDTCS) is now open to applications. For main grants between £5,000 – £49,000 and Nationally Significant projects up to £250,000.

The deadline for applications is 8 January 2023, and successful projects will start in March 2023.

If you have a project idea which would benefit your community, check out your eligibility by visiting our visiting our website and using the map to see which areas are eligible. The LDTCS funds projects with a focus on Biodiversity, Waste Minimisation and the reduction of Waste to Landfill and Wider Environmental Enhancements.


We receive a high number of applications which makes the funding process very competitive. If you would like support and guidance in the development of a project you can contact your local County Voluntary Council.

In order to submit a request for funding, you will need to register with WCVA’s Multipurpose Application Portal (MAP). If you have previously registered with MAP, you can log in by entering your username and password on the home screen.

Organisations can register by visiting the website https://map.wcva.cymru.

If you need help registering on MAP please follow this video.

If you have any questions about LDTCS please get in touch with the WCVA Grant Funds Team at ldtgrants@wcva.cymru.

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