Give your staff a reason to bound out of bed even on a miserable lockdown morning.
It’s hard to keep people motivated in the current climate. But with Covid lingering longer than we ever thought, it’s more important than ever that your staff are enthusiastic, committed and productive.
Successful organisations are the product of their staff. Those with a loyal and dedicated workforce are better able to weather the storm because they are more engaged with their target audience. Quite simply they make more money or raise more funds.
What’s the secret?
It’s all in the culture – a positive culture where everyone understands the importance of their role, why they ‘go to work’ even on a miserable Monday.
Join us to find out how to create a culture of brand champions at Housebrands free webinar, Monday 9 November at 4pm.
In just 45 minutes we’ll explore the issues facing staff today and how to get them fired up with enthusiasm without breaking the bank.
If you’re in the mood for a debate there will be plenty of time for Q&As and discussion but if you just want to sit back with a cup of coffee and absorb that’s fine too.
Monday 9 November 4.00-4.45 pm
To book your place please email:
Or visit:
About the organisers:
Housebrands is an established brand and communications agency with experience covering brand projects from start-ups and SMEs, to not-for-profits, blue chips and countries.
Working in both the UK and internationally across a wide range of sectors, their passion is making brand expertise accessible to all, which is why they have recently launched a DIY, ready-made brand development programme to empower organisations of any size or shape to create the strongest brand possible, themselves and at a fraction of the usual cost by negating the need to hire external consultants.