Help overcome barriers to employment – funding deadline announced

Help overcome barriers to employment – funding deadline announced

Published : 15/04/21 | Categories: Funding | News |

As it’s the last chance to run one-year employment projects, voluntary organisations are being encouraged to get in touch with WCVA about applying ahead of the new Active Inclusion round.

WCVA’s Active Inclusion Fund is an important way for voluntary organisations to tackle unemployment in the wake of Covid-19. If you think you could offer disadvantaged people in Wales new skills, volunteering opportunities or paid supported employment to overcome barriers to work the fund could be for you.

The deadline to apply for the next round of Active Inclusion funding is 4 June 2021. However, those applying for the first time will need go through an approvals process by the end of April, ahead of applications opening on 3 May 2021.

The round represents an important milestone as it will be the last opportunity to apply for funding for projects that are up to a year long.


The Active Inclusion Fund provides grants for projects anywhere in Wales that help disadvantaged people get back into employment. Barriers to employment vary, and the grants are also relevant for those who specialise in supporting traditionally marginalised groups such as people with a learning difficulty or those from a BAME community.

The grants are especially useful for those working with:

  • Carers
  • People over 54
  • People with low skills
  • BAME people
  • Jobless households
  • People with work limiting health conditions
  • Young people who are ‘Not in Education, Employment, or Training’ (NEET)

Getting unemployed people set up with meaningful jobs is the end goal, but your project could also be providing a key step on the employment journey, such as:

  • Volunteering roles that provide beneficial experience
  • Skills training that help people’s employment prospects



‘WCVA is there to help you, the Active Inclusion team have been amazing’

Got an idea for a project? Get in touch to discuss your idea with a member of our Active Inclusion team. We can help improve your chances of success and guide you through the process at each stage of the journey.

To arrange an informal chat email or call 0300 111 0124.


Unemployment is on the rise in Wales, but projects funded by WCVA’s Active Inclusion Fund are fighting back.

Following recovery from heart surgery, Ian thought he’d never get back into work again, but with help from Prime Cymru, he was given the tools he needed to set up his own bike repair service.

After life as a full-time carer for her family, Mavis was feeling that her age and lack of experience was leaving her with no chance of getting a job. But Menter Môn supported Mavis to get back into work.


European funding for projects tackling unemployment is available through WCVA until 2022, and though EU funds can be challenging WCVA’s expert team is here to help.

To find out more visit or get in touch.

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