We’re gathering your thoughts on the 2021-22 draft Budget, and more.
The Finance Committee has launched its consultation on Welsh Government’s 2021-22 draft Budget proposals. WCVA would like to hear from as many sector voices as possible for inclusion in its response and have created a survey to facilitate this.
The wide-ranging consultation asks questions about the impact of Covid-19 on organisations, financial preparedness for the next financial year; taxation powers; poverty reduction; sustainability of public services and many more.
We’ve developed a short survey for the sector looking at the consultation questions. It’s important that we hear from as many voices as possible at this critical, uncertain time for many organisations so we can incorporate as much feedback as possible into our response. The survey will close on 3 November, 2020.
WCVA is also responding to a pair of other recently-announced consultations. The first of these is Welsh Government’s A Digital Special Health Authority for Wales, which proposes the launch of a body to oversee and implement a new digital framework for electronic working across health and social care in Wales. This may impact on how the sector delivers services, how the sector works collaboratively with statutory partners, how services are procured and how services are co-produced. Please email David Cook, WCVA Policy Officer, on dcook@wcva.cymru by 2 November with your thoughts for potential inclusion in this response.
We’re also planning our response to Welsh Government’s consultation, Social Care Market Stability Reports. This requires local authorities and local health boards to collaborate to produce a market stability report for each of the seven regional partnership areas. Please email Sally Rees, WCVA National Third Sector Health and Social Care Facilitator, on srees@wcva.cymru by 26 October with your thoughts for potential inclusion in our response.
The more we hear from the sector, the stronger our consultation responses can be. We look forward to hearing your opinions.