Helpforce Cymru is holding an online event to look at how we can design, evaluate and spread volunteering for greater impact on health and social care.
We need to grow volunteering: both to expand and extend volunteer activity and also to improve the strategic focus, planning, resourcing and impact.
Our health and care services need to find ways of working with all available resources within our communities, including volunteers, if they are to avert a growing crisis of capacity.
A webinar on Thursday 27 October 2022 – 10.30am – 12.30pm is jointly organised by Helpforce and WCVA. It will introduce some ways in which Helpforce can support organisations to plan and grow volunteering, including the design of new volunteer services, evaluating health outcomes of volunteer activity and online events, forums and resources.
We will hear from projects in Wales and England about their experience, and there will be ample opportunity for questions and discussion. Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, for example, have developed a role for volunteer companions to support patients and their families at end of life. They are currently exploring with colleagues across NHS departments, how to create ‘volunteer to career’ pathways, targeting volunteers who may develop an interest and experience on a path toward careers in health and care.
Bowel Cancer UK and Borth Medical practice are looking at ways in which volunteers can support people who are on medical waiting lists.
The event is most relevant to those who have responsibility for volunteering aligned to health and social care, whether in NHS or community settings.
It will be of interest also to those in strategic roles, volunteering infrastructure bodies and to those with interest in integrated service development and innovation within health and social care.
You can register your place for the webinar now.
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