crowd of people at gofod3 2019

gofod3 2020 postponed due to coronavirus

Published : 13/03/20 | Categories: Training & events |

gofod3 2020 will be postponed indefinitely due to further developments and growing concerns around large events.

Following further developments and growing concern regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) we regret to inform you that gofod3 2020, which was due to take place on 19 March 2020 will now be postponed indefinitely.

As a major event for the voluntary sector in Wales, expecting more than 600 attendees, this decision was not taken lightly.

We have been following advice from Public Health Wales as well as UK Government, and due to the progression to the “Delay Phase” of the Government’s plan and significant increase in confirmed cases, we did not want to risk further spread of the virus at gofod3.

We will continue to monitor the situation and assess the possibility of hosting the event later in 2020, however at this time we are postponing indefinitely due to uncertainty. We will send further communication on this as soon as possible.

During this difficult time, we will continue to support the voluntary sector and we will communicate relevant guidance over the coming weeks.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of gofod3 and we hope to host a vibrant and successful event soon.

Emergency Loan Fund

Just as parts of Wales are coming to terms with the effects of the recent flooding, Coronavirus becomes the next challenge.

The actual practical impact of the latter has still to become fully apparent but cancelled events, falling visitor numbers or reduced sales are very realistic possibilities with a knock-on effect to cash flow for voluntary sector organisations across the country.

In response to this, Social Investment Cymru at WCVA is offering emergency fast-track loans to voluntary sector organisations in Wales to help see them through the worst of the effects.

At the same time, existing loan holders are being offered the option to defer payments for a time.

Please contact Social Investment Cymru for more information.

Resources on coronavirus

UK Government – latest information and advice

Public Health Wales – their most recent statement, updated daily at 11am

NHS hygiene advice

Public Health Wales guidance for travellers – If you have returned from the following areas since 19 February:

  • Iran
  • Specific lockdown areas in Northern Italy as designated by the Government of Italy
  • Special care zones in South Korea as designated by the Government of the Republic of South Korea

Welsh Government: guidance for social, residential and community care providers – for care workers who may have to work with potentially vulnerable people

Charity Commission statement reminding charities that coronavirus could cause serious incidents that need to be reported to the Commission

Public Health Wales guidance for schools. They have also produced a series of infographics for organisations looking for social media-friendly ways of sharing advice, which can be downloaded here.

Our partners in England, NCVO, have prepared their own set of guidance which is useful for all charities – you can view this here:

The British Lung Foundation have guidance for people with pre-existing lung conditions:

Mind have provided guidance on mental health and wellbeing while dealing with the coronavirus:

What should employees do if they become sick at work?

  • Stay 2 metres from other employees and avoid touching anything
  • Use a tissue when coughing or sneezing and carefully dispose of tissues in a bin.
  • If they have no tissue cough or sneeze into the crook of an elbow.
  • Call NHS advice at 111
    • Be prepared to describe their symptoms and any recent travel
  • Employees who are seriously ill or if their life is at risk should call 999

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