Use your voice to help us shape the future of funding searches for Welsh voluntary organisations.
A tool for the Welsh voluntary sector
Funding Wales, Third Sector Support Wales (TSSW)’s free funding search tool – has been helping organisations across the country to source funding since 2019. Since then, use of the system has been growing and we now want to take stock, look at what’s good about it and what could be enhanced, with the aim of developing it further and ensuring that organisations get full benefit from it.
We have appointed consultants to run a series of conversations during November and December, on the basis of which recommendations for enhancing the system will be made to TSSW. These will inform development of Funding Wales over the next couple of years.
We need you
We want as many colleagues as possible to engage in this exercise. This includes you as organisations using (or interested in using) Funding Wales, and we will be running 2 virtual sessions on Wednesday 24 November and Thursday 25 November, both from 2pm to 4pm, for you to feed in your views.
Please book your place via the following link
Further information
If you are unable to attend one of these sessions, there will be other opportunities for you to let us know what you think. A brief questionnaire seeking views will be shared by WCVA and you are also invited to send comments directly to the lead consultant, Martyn Palfreman, at
There will also be an opportunity for you to take part in a further workshop with other stakeholders on Thursday 16 December at 2pm where we will be testing findings emerging from the research. Further details will follow shortly.
Funding Wales is everyone’s system, and we hope you are able to contribute to shaping its future.
Thank you.