Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales – an easy-to-access grant scheme for community groups in Wales – is now open for applications!
WCVA is pleased to launch the 2022/23 funding round for the Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales. After the delivery of a successful pilot scheme, Comic Relief has confirmed a new round of funding to support community led action bringing about positive, lasting social change throughout Wales.
Successful applications will demonstrate a contribution to one of Comic Relief’s four strategic themes:
- Children survive and thrive: Actions to give children the best start in life and access to opportunities to achieve their potential
- Gender justice: Actions to improve equality for women and girls
- A safe place to be: Actions to help vulnerable people improve their circumstances and safety
- Mental health matters: Actions to enable access to support and increase awareness
The Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales has two funding levels:
Small Grants – £1,000 – £10,000
- Projects carrying out community led activity to tackle a specific needs or issues within their locality
Organisational Growth Grants – £30,000 – £50,000
- For organisations to carry out activity to make a strategic impact and increase their resilience
Both the Small Grants and the Organisational Growth Grants will only accept applications from organisations which have an annual income of less than £250,000 per year.
The application window is open from 19 April 2022 closing 27 June 2022.
The earliest activity can begin is the 22 August 2022 ending no later than 30 August 2023.
You can learn more by visiting Comic Relief Community Fund In Wales.
Comic Relief wants to ensure that its funding reaches the heart of Wales’ communities, by supporting community led action tailored to the varied communities across Wales. Third Sector Support Wales (TSSW) has been selected to administer grants on behalf of Comic Relief in Wales, ensuring a reach to grassroots organisations.
TSSW is administering funds available to groups across Wales. TSSW is a Wales-wide network of support for voluntary groups and organisations. Our shared goal is to enable the voluntary sector and volunteers across Wales to contribute fully to individual and community well-being, now and in the future. TSSW offers support and guidance in the following four key areas:
- Good governance
- Volunteering
- Engagement & influencing
- Sustainable funding
To find out more visit –