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Deadline fast approaching to access fully funded placements

Published : 08/09/21 | Categories: Funding |

Has the pandemic increased your workload? Need an extra pair of hands? Voluntary organisations in Wales can benefit from six-month job placements completely paid for by the Kickstart Scheme, but time is running out to apply.

We are helping voluntary organisations to access the Department of Work and Pensions’ (DWP) £2 billion Kickstart Scheme which is creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality six-month work placements for young people across the UK.

Voluntary organisations in Wales are already increasing their capacity while supporting a young person’s development. By accessing the Kickstart Scheme, you too could benefit from fully paid job placements with very little admin and a generous personal development budget.

What Kickstart can offer

Employers can use the Kickstart Scheme to create new six-month job placements for young people (aged 16-24) who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.

Through the scheme, you will be able to access a large pool of young people with potential, ready for an opportunity, who will be supported by their Jobcentre Plus work coach to enrol in the scheme.

For each employment placement DWP will pay:

  • 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week
  • The associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • Employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions

Employers will also receive £1,500 per placement to recognise the investment they will make to develop the Kickstart employee, for example to cover training and other development costs.

What support is available?

We are registered as a gateway body for voluntary organisations in Wales. In the first batch of applications we supported 25 organisations to secure Kickstart placements and our relationship with DWP and initial approvals process could help increase your chances of success. We apply to DWP in batches on your behalf, so the process of getting your request approved should be quicker than applying directly.

This is especially helpful as the latest date for placements to begin is 12 December 2021 – which means time is running out for groups to apply, with applications needed by the end of September.

In Wales voluntary organisations are showing young people how jobs can work for them by providing high quality placements through the Kickstart Scheme. If you’d like to do the same, you can contact the team at or 0300 111 0124. You can also find more details on our website.

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